working with the largest hemp wholesaler in North America

Industrial Hemp Farms

company vision

Industrial Hemp Farms is a B2B/B2C hemp farming and wholesale company, with divisions that focus on the purchase and sale of hemp biomass, hemp flower, and hemp extracts. Since its inception, the company has stressed vertical integration as well as the ability to identify, engage and secure mutually profitable relationships across a broad spectrum of intra-industry segments in real time.

project overview

During my time at Industrial Hemp Farms I served a number of duties including operational analysis, market analysis, compliance, product management, eCommerce management and website development. I took the many opportunities the company provided me to greatly expand my skillset and learn from some of the best minds in the industry.

"Harvesting is extremely important and requires tedious processing. Don’t grow great plants to mess it up at the finish line. Prepare today for a better tomorrow."

- Joe Pham / Co-Owner, IHF

Industrial Hemp Farms currently serves as the backbone of numerous hemp companies across the world. The services it provides act as a vital link between these companies and their customers. While at Industrial Hemp Farms I oversaw the expansion of the company's product line from 56 to 144 products, played a crucial role in expanding our market overseas in South Korea, and also implemented new systems within the company's operations to increase the number of available revenue streams. I also headed marketing efforts for the company as well and provided private labeling and consulting services for more than a dozen other hemp companies.